瓦萨琪钻石刀具有限公司成立于2001年,是集科研、生产、贸易于一体的高新技术企业。瓦萨琪公司主要生产三大系列产品:聚晶金刚石系列、天然金刚石系列、立方氮化硼超硬系列刀具。聚晶金刚石刀具选用美国GE公司、英国DEBEERS公司生产的聚晶金刚石复合片,采用先进的生产工艺,专业的工程技术人员,熟练的生产工人,汇集国内外的研发经验精制而成。使聚晶金刚石刀具有超硬度和超耐磨性,从而达到锋利、使产品高光、精准等特点。确保刀具的使用寿命同加工工件的品质完美。 公司在钻石PCD、PCBN超硬刀具行业享有盛誉,同时代理日本东芝(AH740、MPJ35)、VARGUS、ISCAR等硬质合金刀具。公司致力于机械加工行业刀具消耗成本降低的研究,拥有独到的经验。达到提高效率,降低刀具消耗的目的。几年来,瓦萨琪依靠客户的支持与自身的努力,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。公司2008年初新成立的瓦萨琪顺德营销中心就拥有自主自建厂房达5000多平方,内设独立刀具研发部、开发部、试刀试样、检验及售后服务集于一体,公司致力打造出世界知名的钻石超硬刀具品牌。并先后不仅与全国范围内三十多个主要的省份设立了合作经销商,还远销俄罗斯、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾等地。
公司主营: 聚晶金刚石(PCD)机械加工刀具系列 立方氮化硼(PCBN)机械加工刀具系列 聚晶金刚石(PCD)电子线路板专用刀具系列 聚晶金刚石(PCD)木工类钻石刀具 PCD、PCBN非标刀具订做、补齿、珩磨
公司兼营: 公司拥有多台CNC数控车床等齐全的机加工设备对外机加工,主要加工工件的材质有: 高光铝件、铜件;洛氏HRC48度以上的淬火钢、工具钢和球墨铸铁;不锈钢等工件。
瓦萨琪全体同仁竭诚恭候您的垂询和光临,将全力为您提供高品质产品和全方位的服务。我们郑重承诺: 1、全部产品实行质量三包; 2、根据客户的使用要求,提供对产品的改进设计方案; 3、制作快捷,供货及时,如有质量问题在接到通知 24小时之内 ,保证给予解决,必要时派出技术人员及时处理并配备代用品,以保证客户正常生产; 4、经常回访客户的使用情况,利用专业知识指导与服务。
我们的企业理念是:创新是企业发展的源泉。 我们的宗旨是:不断创新,为了更好的服务客户。
Company profile: WASAQI Diamond Cutter Co., Ltd is founded in 2001,is a high-technology enterprise which contains scientific research,production and trade.WASAQI mainly produces thress Series:Gather crystal diamond series,natural miamond series and horniness diamond series.Gather crystal diamond series selects from America GE company,the English DEBEERS company produce the crystal combination Diamond compound piece, uses the advanced production craft,the specialized engineers and technicians,the skilled worker,collects the domestic and foreign search and developmental experience,enable the crystal combinationdiamond cutting tool to have superhardness and the ultra resistance,thus achievessharply,the high light,fine and so on.Guarantees the cutting tools’use life and products’perfect quality. Our company has high reputation in Diamond in the PCD, PCBN superhard cutting tool industry , Agent Japan Toshiba (AH740, MPJ35), VARGUS, ISCAR carbide cutting tools and so on. The company is committed to cutting tool industry consumed machined to reduce the cost of the study, companies with unique experience. To achieve greater efficiency, lower consumption of cutting tools. In recently years, Wasaqi customer support and rely on their own efforts and achieved remarkable results. Early 2008's the new marketing center in Shunde Wasaqi on their own self-built plant up to 5,000 square the tool set up an independent R & D, development, test samples knife, testing and after-sales service in one set, the company is committed to building a world-renowned The diamond cutter brand. It has not only across the country with more than 30 major provinces to set up a co-distributor, but also exported to Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and other places. Our mainly products: PCD diamond tools for metal cutting Cubic boron nitride diamond tools for metal cutting PCD diamond tools for printed circuit board PCD/PCBN cutting tools and special tools order or woodworking
佛山市顺德区瓦萨琪钻石刀具有限公司 Foshan Shunde WASAQI Diamond Cutter co.,Ltd 电话/Tel:0757-22900798 28805908 26118578 传真/Fax:0757-26118568 联系人/Contact person:林生(Mr Lin)13902568298 严生(Mr Yan)13902568468 厂址:广东省佛山市顺德区容桂街道上佳市三级石22号 factory address:Ronggui street, Shunde District,foshan,Guangdong 公司网址/Website: http://www.wasaqi.cn 业务QQ:294475508 919047446