Greentech International (Zhangqiu) Co., Ltd is the professional blower supplier. Multistage Centrifugal Blower has the advantage that capacity is easy removed, so is widely used in sewage waste water treatment, metal, chemical etc.
Theprofilecurveof rotor isadvanced,Asa result, theeffciencyofblower is up to80%.
Integratedweldedhorizontalsplittypeisappliedtocasingand returnchannel;whichmakes theblower lighterand
simple.Asfar as weight,only 1/3-1/2ofother similar product.
Casting aluminumalloyisadoptedtoimpeller.Afterstrictdynamic balance,lowvibration,lownoise, longworkinglifeand
Thestructureisadvanced.Easy-wornpartsarefew.Installation,operationand maintenaceisconvenient.
Adjustingcapacity isconvenientAtthespecified pressure,theblowerhasthewiderangeofcapacity, soitcanbe
appliedinvariedconditions.Theblower isattached with anchor bolts, coupling andprotectivecover.
Motor, electriccontroler, bendpipe,flexibleconnectiong,suctionanddischargesilencer, thecommon baseofmoter,
filter, non-returnvalve, relief valve,adjustablecalveand noiseinsulator aresupplied.
Special requirements,ifany, pleasecontact withour techniquedepartment.Features of Centrifugal Blower:
1. The profile curve of impeller is advanced. As a result, the efficiency of blower is up to 80%;
2. The casing and return channel, which makes the blower lighter and simple, the performance of blower is steady and reliable;
3. After strict dynamic balance, impeller is low vibration, low noise, long working life and high reliability is attained;
4. The structure is advanced. Easy-worn parts are few. Installation, operation and maintenance is convenient;
5. Adjust capacity is convenient. At the specified pressure, the blower has the wide range of capacity, so it can be applied in varied conditions;