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It is specially designed for static and dynamic lubrication, forpins, runners, conveyors and all transport devices that function indifficult working conditions in a hostile environment.
- Plastics processing : pins for various mechanisms, maintenanceof e (MONOPLAST).
- Glassworks : bottle conveyors, lubrication of rubber bevelgearboxes (St GOBAIN).
- Various industries : transformation of Cellulose (CELLULOSE DUPIN)
- Food processing : trolley wheel pins (abattoirs), aerialconveyor rollers (SPENGHERO abattoirs), runners, pins for hospitaldoors and windows, industrial kitchens, deli counters, cheesecounters, sweet shops (BEGHIN), materials maintenance, bottling:water, wine, beer (CASTEL VIN, MARTEL), abattoirs for turkeys(POULET DU NORD): lubrication of the aerial conveyor to preventfeathers sticking, etc.
- Metal works : prevents bonding of mechanical particles thatseize chains and conveyors (BOULONNERIE DE THIANT).
-玻璃厂:瓶输送机,橡胶伞齿轮箱润滑(St GOBAIN)。
-食品加工:手推车轮销(屠宰场),空中输送辊(SPENGHERO屠宰场),滚轮,医院门窗销,工业厨房,熟食柜台,奶酪柜台,糖果店(BEGHIN),材料维护,装瓶:水,葡萄酒,啤酒(CASTELVIN, MARTEL),火鸡屠宰场(POULET DU NORD):空中输送润滑,防止羽毛粘着等。
-金属加工:防止机械颗粒卡住链条和输送机(BOULONNERIE DE THIANT)。