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HELISOL? heat transfer fluids工作温度范围为?40°C至+425°C,由于其化学结构的多样性,它们具有优异的性能导热油。are highly stablesilicone fluids specifically designed for high-temperature andheating/cooling applications. They provide excellent economicbenefits – efficient operation, low maintenance, and precisetemperature control. With a recommended operating temperature rangeof ?40 °C to +425 °C and versatility due to their chemicalstructure, they have an outstanding property profile, which setsthem apart from organic materials such as mineral oils and aromaticheat transfer fluids.
Benefits of HELISOL?heat transfer fluids:
Exceptional thermal stability
Highest max. working temperature: 425 °C
Very broad temperature range: -40 to 425 °C
Low pour point: < -40 °C
Lower hydrogen formation
Low fouling potential