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Socomore Aeroglaze 9958 thinner is used to reduce the viscositiesof Aeroglaze wash primers and Aeroglaze polyurethane coatings forspray applications.
Socomore Aeroglaze9958稀释剂用于降低喷涂用Aeroglaze洗底漆和Aeroglaze聚氨酯涂料的粘度。
Download the Aeroglaze 9958 Thinner technical data sheet (TDS) andthe Aeroglaze 9958 Thinner safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmidtoday. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will bevisible for download if one is available.Please login to accessDatasheets
Pack Size
1USG Can
Product Colour
Clear/Straw Yellow
Socomore Aeroglaze
Manufacturer Name
The product can effectively alter the viscosity of Aeroglazeprimers or coatings, benefiting flow properties for sprayapplication and providing better control of application filmthickness. It also meets the re for other militaryspecification type I thinners.
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