One-part, translucent adhesive or coating with good flowability, high elongation value for vibration/ mechanical shock dampening and low stress, good flame resistance, UL, IPC and Mil Spec tested, contains UV indicator.
Curable Coating是
Cure Characteristics延长工作时间 > 10 分钟
Cure Type室温硫化
Dielectric Constant at 100 Hz2.52
Dielectric Constant at 100 kHz2.52
Dispensing Characteristics最厚层施用超过 25,000 cps
Dissipation Factor at 100 Hz0.004
Dissipation Factor at 100 kHz0.001
Durometer - Shore A31.6 Shore A
Durometer / Hardness应力消除 15A-40A
Elongation419 %
Nonvolatile Content95.7 %
Number of Parts单组份
Resistance Type抗紫外线
Self Leveling是
Solvent Type无溶剂
Special CharacteristicsIPC-CC-830B 认可, MIL 规格, UL 认可
Viscosity34400 mPa.s
Viscosity / Flow自流平 20,000 - 200,000 cps