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尊宝的产品都具有一个特点共同的—在保持音响声音素质的同时,还能赋予其融入时代的外表,即使是以专业性著称的THX音响也是如此。尊宝1994年进入THX领域,多年来,尊宝的研发团队一直和旧金山的THX实验室的专业工程师紧密合作。对于尊宝的历史,各位读者可能已有一些了解,但对于尊宝THX音箱的历史,可能就鲜有人知了。所以,回顾一下尊宝THX认证的奠基产品Jamo THX one是非常有意义的事情。
The installation of THX sound systems typically requires a dedicated room, such as a home theater. The size and design of virtually all THX-systems dictate that the speakers be hidden behind curtains and walls.
Not anymore! The size of the new Jamo D 500 THX home theater system allows direct placement in most medium-sized living rooms. In addition to the compact dimensions, these speakers are styled in a way that accommodates many contemporary decorations and furniture combinations.
Finished in high-gloss lacquer with carefully engineered drive units, the D 500 series adds a musical-instrument-touch to the modern home, delivering impeccable reproduction of even the most demanding movie-sound-track. In addition to outstanding movie-entertainment, the Jamo D 500 will give the end-user a very satisfying reproduction of music, whether listening to stereo MP3 files or full-scale DVD-Audio or SACD.
3只 D 500 LCR
System Type 3 Way closed dipole
Woofer (mm/in) 1 x 140 / 5?
Midrange (mm/in) 2 x 76 / 3
Tweeter (mm/in) 2 x 25 / 1
Power (W, long/short term) 120 / 170
Sensitivity (dB, 2.8V/1m) 87
Frequency Range (Hz) 80 - 20.000
Crossover Frequency 250 / 2500
Impedence (Ohm) 4
Overall dimensions (mm/in, HxWxD) 260 x 450 x 130
Finishes High gloss black
1只 SUB 650
SUB 650
SUB650是为高水平音箱系统而生的。强劲的前冲式设计采用一只爆炸性的12英吋长冲程单元。SUB 650被安装在完全密闭的腔体里,从而远离了管口噪音。SUB650给你非常精确、牢牢受控的声音重放。对于设法重现现场音乐会和电影院的动态感受的发烧友和音乐鉴赏家而言,SUB650是理想之选。来自BASH放大器的650W峰值功率,24Hz到200Hz的频率范围,这些都让SUB650成为低音炮里的顶尖。