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Conductivety IXPE foam and anti-static foam are produced by compounding PE with some special padding and foaming material, then cross linkinked by foaming. The conductivity IXPE foam is a hi-tech ESD product which has very good anti-static property, it is an ideal packing material for optoelectronic devices and microelectronics devices, integrated circuit, printed circuit board, communications, military products etc. Dongguan Hesion Antistatic Products Co Ltd.
1、 防静电性能优良,表面电阻率和体积电阻率非常稳定,一般在103-106Ω之间,同时依据客户要求进行调节;excellent anti-static performance,surface resistivity and volume resistivity is very stable,usually in 103-106 Ω, at the same time, according to the customer requirement between adjusted
2、 防静电时效长,永久防静电;long term anti-static
3、 防静电性能不受环境干湿度影响;with anti-static propertiesin not affect by environment or dry humidity
4、 环保、无毒、无气味;environmental protection, non-toxic, no odor
5、 缓冲防震;shockproof
6、 机加性能良好:可冲切,粘接加工成客户要求的各种形状。and good performance: cutting, adhesive processed into customer requirements of various shapes
25倍导电IXPE泡棉技术参数Technical parameters of 40kg/m3 conductivity IXPE foam
项 目Item 单位 Unit 导电型/CEP 标值 耗散型/DEP 标值
表面电阻率 Ω/square 103—106 103—106
surface resistivity
体积电阻率 Ω.cm 103—106 103—106
volume resistivity
拉伸强度 MPa >0.5 >0.5
Tensile strength
伸长率 % >150 >150
撕裂强度 N/mm >1.2 >1.2
Tearing Stength
颜色color 黑色 黑色
密度 Kg/m3 30-45 30-45
静电压衰减时间 S <0.5 <.5
Electrostatic Attenuating time
摩擦静电压 V <100 <100
Abrasive Potential
Dongguan hesion antistatic products co ltd|生产厂家· Conductivety IXPE