uGPO-3,又称UPGM-203, 是由无碱玻璃纤维毡板浸以不饱和聚酯树脂糊,并添加相应的添加剂经热压而成的硬性板状绝缘材料。
GPO-3 is also called UPGM-203 , is Produced by combining polyester resin with alkali-free glass mat and suitable in organic fillers-and laminating under heat and pressure .
弘诚编号:HC-GPO3 ( 阻燃HB);
HCT-GPO3 (阻燃VO);
UL :E344098
u规格 Specifications
?厚度 thickness :0.80 – 100 mm
?尺寸 size:(1000±20)*(1200±20) mm
?颜色:白色/红色/棕红色 Color : white / red / tan red
?Remark: for other color or size ,please contact with our sales person directly;
u应用: GPO-3 层压板广泛应用于电机、电器设备中作绝缘结构件,如可用于断路器、开关柜、变压器、直流电机、交流接触器、防爆电器等低压电器绝缘隔板等,汽车工业等领域.
Application field:GPO-3 is used extensively in the making of phase and end barriers ,insulating supports, bus bar supports and mouting panels in switchgear and other types of electrical apparatus.