


LS-10 Brake drum 刹车鼓,制动器





Xi'an LiChuang Electronic Technology Co.,

Ltd is a privately owned independent

distributor .Our products are mainly

divided into two departments: electronic

components ,avionic components and aircraft

parts .For overseas markets,we specialize

in active/passive components,aircraft

parts, high performance processors and

memory, and avionic components, as well as

long lead-time, and hard-to-find

components.With standard contract and

market expertise, we can keep costs low and

pass the savings to our customers, thus

being an excellent alternative to

traditional authorized franchise

distributors.Xi'an LiChuang Electronic

Technology Co., Ltd is proud to have an

unfaltering commitment to customer

satisfaction and quality.

We are specialised in exporting Chinese

aircraft parts, such as: NanchangCJ-6/PT-6,

HarbinY-12, Xi'an K-8, Xi'anY-7,Shaanxi Y-8

Chengdu F-7 etc. Our price is competitive

(about 50% lower than foreign competitors)

and we have good relationship with many

aircraft parts manufacturers in China, and

also enjoy a good cooperation with foreign


Hot offer these items bellow:

Spark Plugs  :(DZ-5)
Brake valve differential :(QS-2)
Instrument altimeter:(BG12-1A)
Compass amplifier:( FL-3)
Instrument compass indicator:(ZH-4)
Fuel pressure:(GY-1)
Instrument cyl. Temp:(ZWH-1)
Instrument tach single needle:(ZZ30-1C )
Boost coil:(DH-2 )
Prop governer:(TS-1)
Petrol Pumb(gasoline):( CP-15)
Engine oil pump:(CB-32A)
Instrument vsi (rate of climb):(BC10)
Instrument current voltage:(BAV-3 )
Instrument manifold press:(BYJ-1 )
Air radiator:( CSR-1)
Oil house R/H:(H2-6112-00A/1 2 )
Propeller blade
Instrument Horizon:(BDP-2B)
Clock front cockpit:(301)
Instrument oil indicator:( 2UC2-7)
Air pressure guage:(BYQ80-1A )
Brake valve reducing:(QS-1 )
Air Compressor:(KY-2C)
Pump manual fuel wobble pump:(SB-1 )
Carburetor :( QHQ-14)

Please contact us for more details : 


LS-10 Brake drum 刹车鼓,制动器