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中赛仪器库存大量各种高频仪器现货特价出售中--本公司长期现金大量高价回收各种高频仪器;如-网络分析仪-视/ 音频分析仪-信号发生器-频谱分析仪-手机综合测试仪 阻抗分析仪 LCR电桥 示波器 ******测试仪 静电放电发生器等等…..仪器联糸人;张彬 13556784911/18922936706电话;0769-33355531传真; 0769-23362124
1、与新购仪器几个月的供货期相比,购买二手仪器的供货期要短的多。在 时间就是市场的今天,优势无疑是最为明显的。
2、二手仪器的价格便宜,基本为新购仪器价格的20%~50%。在电子技术迅 速发展的今天,仪器的更新也在加快,投资越少则风险越小。
The Audio Precision SWR-2122U is an Unbalaned Switcher that features 12 x 2architecture . It provides a means of expanding the analog interface capacity of System One and System Two family audio analyzers with provisions for cascading up to 16 units, allowing up to 192 channels to be accessed. Switching is computer-controlled via the same APIB as the Cascade Plus. The SWR-2122U can be used as either an input or output switcher. Uses floating BNC connectors for unbalanced signals to prevent ground loops.
Key features of the AP SWR-2122 include:
* expansion of System capability up to 192 inputs and outputs
* Balanced (XLR) and Unbalanced (BNC) connector versions available
* Patch point version inserts test generator and analyzer at patch point
* Crosstalk <140 dB @ 20 kHz, balanced